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Grants and participation in projects


Liberal politics and nature. Democratic decisions about animals, plants and climate change. Italian Ministry of Research collaborative funded project (PRIN 2022) (with LUISS Rome and San Raffaele, Milan). Duration: 24 months from October 2023. Grant received: 84,905€

Politics and animals. Addressing the Disagreement about the Treatment of Animals, von Humboldt Senior Research Fellowship. Duration: 18 months starting from July 2015. Host institutions: Freie Universität Berlin & Universität Hamburg.


‘Feeding’ respect. Food policies and minority claims in multicultural societies, Italian Ministry of University and Research funded project, FIRB (03/2012-02/2015). Role: Research Fellow.


RESPECT – Towards a “Topography” of Tolerance and Equal Respect. A comparative study of policies for the distribution of public spaces in culturally diverse societies, EC funded FP7 collaborative project, SSH-2009-3.3.1. Role: Project Manager and Research fellow.

Awards and prizes

2017: Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellowship, International Outgoing fellowship at the University of Warwick. Project: “POLIAN. Politics and Animals”.

2017: Robert Papazian Essay Prize on the theme of Equality. Awarded by the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, for the paper “Equality, its Basis, and Moral Status. Challenging the Principle of Equal Consideration of Interests”.


2015: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – Senior Research Fellowship, University of Hamburg, University of Berlin.

2007: Prize for the PhD thesis at the Italian philosophical competition “Viaggio a Siracusa”, 8° edition.

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